From what I've seen in his sprites.
There are none of tr3yo's randomes sprites in there.
Maybe get your facts right next time.
I hate somebody that I did not wanna tell,And I hate it so much !
Age 27
Joined on 3/29/14
From what I've seen in his sprites.
There are none of tr3yo's randomes sprites in there.
Maybe get your facts right next time.
As matter of facts,you're right.I did'nt put any treyo's sprite :\
Madness community is all leaving. You, Djjaner, etc.
awww why do you wanna leave ? we'll miss you :'C
I will miss you too,brah.
Theres something called Copy and paste.
Just because that tiny bit of clothing is there.
That does not mean he took his whole sprites,
A lot of people do that to finish there sprites quicker.
Right again.
you still alive? it's no look like you really alive dude it's look like you already dead for long time not be dead it's so bad xD
I can't understand what'chu talk about.
Hey, you make those guns? They look sick as shit, yo.
hello sir.
Come back :C
No don't leave me. are you serious?
i will miss you
Well,I will miss you too.